
Thank you for your ONLINE Membership Payment

Thank you for your continued support of the Chiropractic Profession and your local Pinellas County Chiropractic Society.  With your online payment IF there are any demographic changes PRINT the APPLICATION and mail it as “Paid Online” or contact Jen Comey via email:  ed@pccschiro.org Also, visit our website and check the calendar regularly and most important, LIKE US on Facebook …

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Annual Dues Membership PAY ONLINE Here

Annual Dues WITH Voluntary $50 PAC Contribution *includes $7 convenience fee $232.00 Annual Dues without PAC Contribution *includes $7 convenience fee $182.00 First Year Graduate WITH Voluntary $50 PAC Contribution *includes $7 convenience fee   $149.00 First Year Graduate without PAC Contribution *includes $7 convenience fee  $106 STUDENT Membership *includes $7 convenience fee  $57.00